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What types of polyps has higher rate of colorectal cancer?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-10-07      Origin: Site

Recently, the medical team from 6th affiliated hospital of Zhongshan University has new findings regarding the polyps risk of colorectal cancer, which has been published on Gastroenterology (IF=19.233)


The team made the study of more than 120,000 people in a long-term follow-up study found that patients with advanced adenomas and sawtooth-shaped polyp will have a higher risk of secondary colorectal cancer. The result of the study provides strong evidence for after operation surveillance and timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment.


If 1~2 pcs tubular adenomas with size less than 1cm were found, the risk of secondary colorectal cancer would be equivalent to that of those without polyps, which indirectly suggests that the interval of 10 years review seems to be more reasonable.


If 1~2 pcs villous adenomas with size less than 1cm were found, there would be a higher risk of secondary colorectal cancer than those without polyps (a risk ratio of 2.91), suggesting that a 3-year review interval seems more reasonable. Of course, determining the interval of re-examinations requires further confirmation by subsequent studies, including randomized controlled studies.


Gastroenterology doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2019.06.039. PMID:31302144

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